How To Attract Bluebirds To Your Garden 

Create the Right Habitat: Bluebirds prefer sparsely forested regions with close perches. Perching and nesting places with scattered trees or shrubs are also popular. A habitat that mirrors these conditions can attract them.

Install nest boxes: Bluebirds breed in nest boxes. Put some well-designed bluebird nest boxes in your backyard. Make sure the boxes face away from winds, preferably toward open places, and have 1.5-inch entrance holes for bluebirds.

Offer Food: Bluebirds are insectivores, so a diversified insect population in your garden is good. Give bluebirds mealworms, their favorite delicacy. Mealworm feeders can be placed near nest boxes or perches.

Provide Water: Bluebirds require clean water to consume and bathe. Consider adding a bird bath or small water dish to your garden. Maintain clean water.

Do not use pesticides since they reduce insect populations, which bluebirds need for food. Avoid pesticides in your garden or use natural alternatives that are safer for birds and other wildlife.

Create Nesting Sites: Bluebirds like old woodpecker holes or PVC pipes with open entrances. You can make fake nesting sites by drilling holes in dead trees or attaching PVC pipes with the right entrance size.

Plant native plants to feed and shelter bluebirds and their insects. Add native trees, shrubs, and wildflowers to your garden to attract bluebirds and other wildlife.

Provide shelter: Bluebirds need protection from predators and harsh weather. Giving them dense shrubs or evergreen trees to roost and hide will make your yard more appealing.